Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gracie.... Lou Lou

my sweet angel with eyes of haze, for your heart and soul i will forever gaze, your silly smile and you amazing grace , your long blonde hair and your beautiful face. your little fingers and your little toes, your little laugh your little nose. time sure goes fast where does it go? mommy loves you!

I am a dreamer..........the only person who can make your dreams come true is YOU!!!!!


my dream is to be be somebody to make a difference in someones life. To go back to college and get a degree in criminal justice. I would love to be a social worker so i can step in and help kids who aren't taken care of properly, or a child who is being abused,neglected, and then one day become a detective to help put people who do such crimes where they belong...........I also dream of haveing a loving ,caring family, and i will see to it that it happens.I already got the family we just aint married but we are engaged. I want to be able to give my children a life that they deserve, and a good one. i want be able to go on vacation and let my kids see what the world has to offer.... I want them to get more out of their child hood than i did.

my Boyfreind!!

My boyfreind is DEvin DElarioux! whom i so happen to love with all my heart. He is the greatest guy in the world. we met on feb,25 2009 and he has been my bestfreind and my sidekick ever since! My Children love him dearly as so does their mother!!(me).... We have already made some of the best memories and have lots more to come! when man such as him comes into your life when you are sad and down and he lifts you up soooo high and puts the biggest smile upon yours and your childrens faces its the greatest feeling ever!! Its a feeling you dont want to ever leave you! Good guys like him are hard to find now days and Im never gonna let him go. We are two peas in a pod .... sooo He says but I agree with him on most things. all though there is a few differences. He really is a sweet guy... treats me very good, and yes he pampers me to and I pamper him as well . our birthdays are 6 days apart in November. I feel safe with him he is my protector. if i get scared he makes me feel better, if i am sad he cheers me up. when i need to talk he listens. He is my boyfreind and love him with all my heart!

Me and My Family


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About Me

I am 26 year old female and i have 3 amazing wonderful children, and the greatest boyfriend a girl could have, i consider myself lucky, we live a happy life and it gets better with everyday that passes.